Disability and salary insurance

The COVID crisis has revealed to us how fragile some things we consider essential can be. A minor contingency, a slip-up, a sudden illness or a pandemic and suddenly your job and salary are gone? And, while your savings may help you for a while, they are not eternal. What would you do in this unfortunate situation?

Disability and salary insurance can help us when the worst happens to us. If you’re no longer able to work due to injury or illness, it’s best to cover all your bases and stay safe: this type of insurance will ensure that you’re covered if you lose your income. However, how do you know which one is best for you? How do you know which insurance policy can offer you the best coverage at a reasonable price?

Assurancevierapide.ca is your online life insurance broker: all you have to do is enter your information in just a few clicks and you will be able to compare dozens of insurance packages to find the one that best suits your needs.

In less than 2 minutes, you will be able to compare many insurance companies to find the one that offers you the best coverage at the lowest price on the market.

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